Arrival - At the Start of the School Day
Children may begin to gather on the playground or designated area beginning at 0810. Students may be dropped off in front of our main office. Please pull ahead as far as safe and only use the doors on the left side of the vehicle. Do not pass cars in the drop-off area. Note: This is not a parking area. If you need to park to enter the school buildings, please park in a proper parking space. While walking to school or from the parking lot, students are expected to use caution while utilizing crosswalks when crossing roads.
A warning bell rings at 0825. At this time, children may proceed to their classrooms. A child not in the classroom at 0830 is considered tardy.
During the School Day
If your child is tardy or returning from an appointment, you must bring the child to the office and sign him/her in. If your child is 6 years old or younger, you will need to sign in as a visitor and walk your child to class. Students will be given a class re-entry permit explaining the reason for entering class. This permit will be turned in to the teacher. Please do not return your child directly to the classroom without visiting the school office first.
Dismissal - At the End of the School Day
School ends at 1500 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and at 1420 on Wednesday. According to the 501 CSW Youth Supervision Guidelines, students younger than 6 years old and younger are not allowed to walk to and from school alone. The following areas are designated pick-up points for students after school:
- Children aged 6 years and younger – parents will collect students from their teachers in the area near the main doors of building 694 or in an area designated by the classroom teacher.
- Children aged 7 years and older – parents and/or siblings can meet in front of the AES Information Center, building 677.
During the School Day
If a student needs to leave school at any time during the school day, certain procedures must be followed. If you are aware ahead of time that your child will be leaving school, please send a note to your child's teacher explaining the reason, time and person picking up the child if it is not you. At the designated time (even if you have written the note) you must come to the school office to sign out your child and receive a slip to give to the teacher when you pick up your child from the classroom. Under no circumstances are you to pick up your child without coming first to the office. The office is accountable for the whereabouts of every student during school time.
The school must be notified if someone other than the parent/guardian is picking up your child. The office will not authorize release of the student unless the parent/guardian has written a note, verbally notified the school, or has the adult designated as an emergency contact. In such cases, ID will be requested.
When returning to school from an appointment, you must sign your child back into school. Your child will then be given a re-entry permit to turn into his/her teacher. Please do not return your child directly to the classroom.
Children who leave school early after 2 pm will not be logged as absent. If a child leaves school before 11 am and does not return, he/she will be registered absent for the full day. If your child leaves school after 11 and does not return, he/she will have a recorded half day absence.
Late Arrival
A child not in the classroom at 0830 is considered tardy. If your child is tardy or returning from an appointment, you must bring the child to the office and sign him/her in. They will be given a class re-entry permit explaining the reason for being late. This will be turned in to the teacher. Students arriving after 0930 are coded as absent for a half-day. A child leaving prior to 1400 is coded as absent for a half day. Mid- day appointments causing a child to miss more than one hour of instructional time get coded as a half-day absence.